Cyanocobalamin 1 mcg + Folic Acid 300 mcg + Pyridoxal-5- Phosphate 5 mg

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Cyanocobalamin + Folic Acid + Pyridoxal – Phosphate – This medicine contains the form of vitamins and Vitamins are paramount for physical functions such as fighting infection, wound healing, making bones strong, and controlling hormones. vitamins have diverse functions to help in the proper body functions. Some vitamins help to prevent infections and keep the nerves strong and healthy, while others may enable the body to get energy from edibles or help the blood clot properly. The composition of Cyanocobalamin +Folic Acid + Pyridoxine effectively treats various conditions caused by to lack of vitamins and helps in the treatment and deterrence of nutritional deficiencies.

It promotes the growth and development of the cells as well as strengthens the immune system. It balances vitamin levels, keeps the central nervous system healthy, and helps in the metabolism of minerals. It helps the baby’s brain, skull, and spinal cord develop correctly during pregnancy, to prevent developmental problems (known as neural tube defects) like Spina bifida. Folic acid is an essential B vitamin. It aids in the building of healthy new cells in the body. Folic acid is needed by everyone. Folic acid intake before and during pregnancy can help protect against major birth defects in the baby’s brain or spine.

Benefits of Cyanocobalamin +Folic Acid +Pyridoxal- Phosphate

  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the synthesis of DNA, which helps to create healthy blood cells. It is also important for fetal growth and development and helps to prevent neural tube defects if prescribed by Dr. during pregnancy. 
  • It is used for the treatment and deterrence of anemia. Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells in the body. there may be vitamin deficiencies in certain foods. In that case, it can be obtained from other food supplements. 
  • Folic acid Is a form of vitamin B that plays an important role in the nervous system and helps with the growth of the fetal brain. It is also an essential component of blood production. 
  • Folate plays a vital role in the production of healthy red blood cells. It can be found in certain foods and is used to Treat or prevent folate deficit anemia. 
  • Pyridoxamine is a form of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. One of the natural forms of vitamin B6 is Pyridoxal.
  • As a result, Pyridoxal is used as a nutritional supplement and as a treatment for dietary deficiency or imbalance.
  • In addition, P5P facilitates the transport of certain nutrients (e.g. magnesium) across cellular membranes, thereby increasing the rate at which they are digested. 
  • Pyridoxal (P5P) is an essential compound for human health, yet it is often overlooked. This tablet also increases muscle cell function and strength.

Directions of Use 

  • Make sure to take the medicine at the prescribed time every day.
  • Swallow, the medicine as a whole. Do not crush, break, or chew the tablet. 
  • Take the medicine at the same dose and duration prescribed by your doctor based on specific medical conditions.


  • Store in a cool and Dry place.
  • Keep it away from sunlight.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Store it in the same package you bought or an air-tight container. 
  • Do not keep it in the fridge or bathroom


  • It is important to consult your doctor before taking this tablet if you are taking any other medicine or the course of any critical disease, as it may interfere with anti-tuberculosis drugs (isoniazid), vitamin D analogs, etc. 
  • Alcohol and caffeine should not be used while taking Cyanocobalamin + Folic acid + Pyridoxal – Phosphate, as it may affect bone and blood function.
  • Cyanocobalamin +Folic Acid +Pyridoxal- Phosphate is a combination of vitamins and is suggested by doctors when a person is not able to get enough amount of vitamins so that, this medicine will treat the deficiency of vitamin level. So it’s better to avoid Dairy products like milk and cheese as they contain vitamin D and interaction may occur.
  • If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to have a baby, consult your doctor before taking this tablet.

Side Effects of Cyanocobalamin +Folic Acid +Pyridoxal- Phosphate

Even though we have discussed the various benefits of this medicine. Cyanocobalamin +Folic Acid +Pyridoxal- Phosphate has essential roles for the proper body functions and is necessary to enhance a healthy and fit life. Still, there is a limit to the amount of consumption that should not be ignored. That can make the Vitamins toxic and the results can be otherwise.  

  • Eating disorders
  • Weight loss 
  • Tired and Fatigue 
  • Sickness 
  • Constipation and stomach upset
  • Nausea and dizziness 

Additional Information 

  • It is not advisable to share medicine with other persons without the consultation of a specialist. 
  • Do not leave the medication course in between. 
  • The unused or expired medicine carefully, ensuring that it is not consumed by any other person, child, or pet. 

Additional information

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